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Kamis, 30 September 2010

artikel bahasa inggris

Nama :……………………………………
Subjek : English lesson
Class : Vc
Semester : V

Meaning: It was narrated from Anas ra. He said: It has been said of the Prophet. : If there is something of the affairs of your world, then you better know about it. If there dienmu affairs, then I place the return (follow me). ( HR Ahmad). (Reported by Ahmad).
Meaning: Dirwayatkan from 'A'ishah: The Prophet of Allah. Whoever does something which is not command us, then he is rejected (not accepted). And in another narration: Whoever invent this in our orders are not from him, so he fabricated. Meanwhile, in another narration: He who does something other than the affairs of our orders, so he fabricated. (HR.Ahmad. Bukhary dan Abu Dawud). (HR.Ahmad. Bukhary and Abu Dawud).
The content of the two above hadeeth explain clearly and unequivocally that all deeds, deeds-deeds to do with the deen / syari 'at, especially in matters ubudiyah mandatory according to the guidelines and instructions that have been outlined by the Prophet. It should not be added and / or reduced even though the idea seems better. Among the devil tempting way Muslims are whispering an extra in the affairs of Deen. Unfortunately, the case is deemed a trivial matter, light and trivial. And act like it is a very serious damage and dangerous. Sabda Rasul saw. Word of the Prophet. : :
"It was narrated from Ibn Abbas, saying: Behold, the Prophet. Berkhutbah to humans at the time of pilgrimage Wada '. Then he said: Verily Syaithan have despair (in trying) so she is worshiped in this bumimu. But he was pleased when (whisper) observed in the case other than that, that is, a practice that you take for granted the deeds-deeds you, be careful with you all. Indeed I have left you, you hold him you certainly will not be lost for ever. That is: the Book of Allah and the Sunnah His Prophet. "(Narrated by al-Hakim).
Thus it can be understood how the Messenger of Allah. eminds us to always be alert to provocation violates the devil to do charity with the guidance of the Prophet even if it seems trivial. "Narrated Al-Harith bin Ghudwahaif ra: he said: It has been said of the Prophet.: Any of a people held a heresy, certainly when it removed (omitted) sunnah semisalnya. So hold fast to the Sunnah kepda it's better than holding heretical "(Narrated by Ahmad).
Nama :……………………………………
Subjek : English lesson
Class : Vc
Semester : V
Fasting and Healty
Also busy people in this modern era of fasting on the causes kesihatan , just there to undergo examination / surgery or for menyihatkan body. One major example is when the patient's desired fast for several hours before undergoing surgery or procedures that requires the use of anesthetic ubat .This food in the stomach may reduce the anesthetic keberkesanan ubat. One more example is when undergoing sesetengah kesihatan examination, we will usually be asked to fast so that the baseline (baseline) can be known for sure. There are also people who fast as one way of dieting. Usually they need to fast for a long time, at least a week before he was memorable. However, they may still take food advice, such as the juice of fruits or vegetables . A study rather new to the top rats found that unlicensed hose fasting day, and eat a double twice more in the days of fasting does not provide escort insulin better and resilience of neurons rather than perfidy. Impressions are almost the same with the rats who were given dietary calories terhad. This may mean a day of fasting interval is an alternative to pengehadan calories to live a more advisory and older. This is the body kerana humans use approximately one third of total energy during the guard. if the body uses energy sentiasa but no food is taken, the human body will find other energy sources, such as glucose rather than deposits of glycogen in the spleen, asid fat than the layer of fat that is stored, and finally rather than a tissue-tissue protein that is important. Human body does not have a problem to rely with asid fat, but the brain and the nerves depend on glucose. f these savings were running low glucose, the human body initially produces ketone bodies (acetoactate, hydroxy-butyrate, and acetone) than protein. Run out the source of this protein may lead to death. So, the doctor is very encouraging that feeds nutritious sake only when going fast. In addition, there are some more good fasted for kesihatan, such as: give the stomach to increase destroy the remnants of poison or toxic in the blood of human reduce / eliminate the addiction to wine and cigarettes As a result, human kesihatan will improve. Weight loss and the risks of disease associated with obesity can be
deducted, and the age a person is allowed to grow long.
Nama :……………………………………
Subjek : English lesson
Class : Vc
Semester : V PAI
Secret Prayer Tahajud
There is an important secret that I want to convey in this paper. A terrifying secret that if you routinely carry Tahajud sunna prayer. Prayer held a full third of the night with silence, because at that time many people are fast asleep. That's when you should wake up from sleep. Ablutions and praying sunna Tahajud. Can you carry two rak a rak closed with Witr. It may also 8 cycles and closed with three cycles Witr. if you are able, may also up to 23 cycles. However, the most important thing is consistency in implementation. It is better to perform their prayers tahajud with a few cycles but routine every night, than many rakaatnya but not routine. You need to be consistent and have a high commitment in itself. the most important of tahajud prayer is that you reflect on this life, do instropeksi in the day yesterday and pleaded for forgiveness to Allah while beristighfar with full to solemn-an. Pleading for granted the ease in carrying out the next day's activities, and more importantly, pray to Allah for the sustenance I be remembered when he was about getting married in Bandung in 1998. On the night before the wedding, I got confused because the money to transport the prince and also the inn is not in the bag. I was discussing with the deceased's father to find a solution. Then I tell my trouble to him. When the difficulties that I have to say, my dad just smiled and told me to perform prayer tahajud. At night, I pray with great humility tahajud for tomorrow eased from all affairs. I submit to God while praying that provided sustenance since getting married day after tomorrow. also pray tearfully begged forgiveness of Him. All effort has been fulfilled, it is time I prayed to the Almighty. May God grant all my requests to be married the day after tomorrow. Tomorrow morning, after dawn prayers in congregation, there was a knock from the fence outside the home. As soon as I saw out there Yono, one of al-Iman mosque came to our house. After the gate opened, then I invite him into the living room. Once he is in the living room, then us briefly, then suddenly gave me an envelope containing money. The number really fits with what I need. Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, Allahu Akbar, I give thanks to God. Apparently in the morning that day, God provides sustenance through pak Yono and his friends board the mosque could not be present in my marriage in the city of Bandung. Secret prayer tahajud may have been what you get. He came to the different way. There is a fast, and there are slow. Depending on the blessing of God, and how we pray. Sometimes we often forgot that prayer is a petition and request of His servant who surrender themselves for their sins forgiven, given the ease of living in the world and the Hereafter. Humble themselves before the ruler of heaven and earth. May Allah grant the prayers of His servants who surrender themselves in moments of silence with a third night praying sunna tahajud. Therefore, do not forget to always self conscious that there will be life after death. In this world we are just a traveler who stopped briefly, then go back.

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